
The Shaq Eye Gear team asked JPD to lead the launch of their new gaming glasses product, this included building a brand strategy, developing the ecommerce platform and creating a social media strategy and the creative to promote awareness.


01. Brand Strategy

We faced a few challenges going into this strategy, the blue light blocking glasses industry is a very competitive space, gaming glasses are not as widely known as you’d think and we were launching a brand that was initiated by a titan in the NBA, a household name, Shaquille O’Neal.

02. Ecommerce

We built a Shopify site that helped gamers easily browse the extensive collection of gaming glasses, virtually try them on and add on prescription glasses by uploading their script. Using apps we helped maintain engagement and increase newsletter subscriptions.

03. Social Media

Gamers love a mix of gaming news, memes and funny videos therefore we created original content to entertain and educate both gamers and people who use digital screens all day. The result has been a loyal following and happy gamers that also love to organically spread the word.


Color Palette

Space Blue Swatch
Sapphire Swatch
Cyan Lightning Swatch
Punch Pink Swatch
Electric Violet Swatch
Neon Boost Swatch


Shaq Eye Gear T-Shirt Design
Shaq Eye Gear T-Shirt Design

Services Provided

Brand Strategy, Company Tagline, Shopify Customization, Social Media Strategy & T-Shirt Design

Team Roles

Jessica Perilla – Brand Strategy, Design & Development
Julia Vallois-Greenberg – Brand Strategy & Design
Yaritsa Arenas – Brand Strategy

Let's Collab

Launch a remarkable brand without having to worry about the “how”